The holidays offer an excuse to gather with loved ones, let loose and indulge: Plates loaded with comfort foods. Unapologetic napping. All the pie.
And, for some, plenty of alcohol.
Heavy drinking has long been associated with youth, but trends are changing.
Since 2005, the Monitoring the Future survey, which tracks the behavior of American adolescents through adulthood, has asked people ages 19 to 30 how often they have engaged in high-intensity drinking over the previous two weeks.
Consuming eight or 10 drinks in a short period of time can produce a blood alcohol concentration, or BAC, of over 0.2%, “which significantly increases the risk of injuries, overdose and deaths,” Koob said. For comparison, a regular binge (four or five drinks) typically results in a BAC of around 0.08%.
Stay safe, drink responsibly and enjoy your night out.
Wishing you a prosperous new year.
Gilgamesh Fandango
